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Student Games

Bunyan Bonker

Single Player Game made in a student team called Bomb Bon Entertainment for GGJ 2019

Jan. 2019

Bunyan Bonker
It’s a beautiful day for some Bunyan Bonking! You are a large tree, home to many a squirrel. When angry lumberjacks (who all look surprisingly like folk legend and giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan) come and try to chop you down, it is up to you to protect your community. Tilt and wiggle to hit (bonk!) the lumberjacks and save the squirrels!
Created in Unity for GGJ 2019. I primarily sourced and edited the Sound FX for the game, as well as facilitated initial concepting and task management.

A 2v2 Reimagining of Basketball; Made with Bomb Bon Entertainment



Made in Unity, Stacksketball is a 2v2 game of basketball with a twist. Each team has 2 players: a Tall Player, and a Small Player. The Small Player can stack atop the Tall Player to steal the ball from their opponents and score first!

I functioned as the team's producer for this project, focusing on task management and prioritization when faced with a difficult-to-meet deadline. In addition, I sourced and edited the Sound FX, and assisted with basic initial scripting. I also ran playtest sessions, taking notes on feedback and delivering the accomplishable priority notes to the team.

The Heisenbird

A Single Player 2D puzzle platformer created with Bomb Bon Entertainment


The Heisenbird Principowl

Created in Unity, The Heisenbird Principowl is a 2D puzzle platformer centered around a flightless bird trying to get to physics class! Play as a bird-student and rapidly climb the tree to get to the classroom, all while avoiding nasty bugs and flying obstacles.

- Designed initial prototypes on paper for the first three levels of the game, which ultimately strengthened it overall
- Designed UI and wrote narrative+dialogue to better guide the player through the puzzles
- Sourced and editing all Sound FX in Audacity
- Handled all documentation and task management
- Organized and led all playtests
The Despised Piper

A Single Player 3D open world resource collection game. Made with Bomb Bon Entertainment.


The Despised Piper

The Despised Piper is a 3D open world resource collection game that was created in Unity for Bomb Bon Entertainment's final project. Inspired by the original story of the Pied Piper, players explored a small farm town and collecting rats as they played music. As they collected more rats though, the worse the music became, sending villagers, animals, and even trees angrily chasing after the player. We aimed for a low poly style to add to the already cartoon-y theme.

- Designed initial map prototype on paper
- Designed UI and wrote narrative+dialogue to color the environment
- Sourced and editing all Sound FX in Audacity
- Handled all documentation and task management
- Organized and led all playtests
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